Fire Wyvern
Fire Wyvern
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
Gulthias Tree
Gulthias Tree
Throughout my time at Peninsula College many of my classes ended up having a general theme of fantasy, mythology, and D&D. Because of this, I chose to do a series based on western lore and mythology. 
My first idea was to do three pieces based on a D&D Curse of Strahd campaign that my friends and I are playing.
The Dragon
The first piece I created is a wyvern. I was always drawing dragons and such for school assignments in middle school and high school. This was a chance to digitally recreate the dragon that I drew the most. Sadly, I don't have a drawing from back then to show. 
I started out with sketches and some other drawings that I did for while deciding how I wanted to draw it. Some ended up more colored and thought out than others. and I will most likely be creating more drawings from the sketches I created for this.
I worked on the butterfly dragon as a way to test new brushes I was making for the scales for my wyvern. It also was a little different theme to test if I wanted to go with a more scary or soft look to the dragon.
In the end I chose to go with the less cute of the two ideas. I wanted something that could look cool and included most of my ideas. 
At one point I had debated on having the dragon breath fire at a knight. I scrapped the idea due to where everything would need to be and the size but I was able to add it in the background of the finished piece.
" Fire Wyvern "
May 2021
The Werewolf
For my second drawing I went with a werewolf. I already had an idea for what I wanted to do. I wanted a typical, werewolf pose and have it be more anthro than what I normally would do. I wanted a very western idea of a werewolf.
The pose was fairly easy since I had so many references to go off of. The actual markings on the werewolf is from a friend of mines character that she uses which is a werewolf. I did adjust the colors a little as I worked on it but she loved the base idea of using the design she had in mind for her character.
When it came to the background, I really had no idea what I wanted to do. I ended up with some simple trees, rocks, and a river. I took the chance with the water to throw in some more basic photoshop skills by using an actual image of water for the texture.
"Blood Moon"
May 2021
The Tree
One of the first monsters that I ran into in D&D was some druids and plant monsters. My Dungeon Master told me that they were basically Gulthias trees which of course I looked up images to get a better idea.
I really liked the idea of a trent type monster for my final image. It was rough trying to find a good reference image. I ended up just looking up gnarly trees and trents.
The basic pose and look of the tree wasn't bad. The hardest part was honestly the background which I changed several times. I even went through messing with color to get that part right as well.
"Gulthias Tree"
May 2021

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